7 tips to avoid peak hour frustration

7 tips to avoid peak hour frustration

7 tips to avoid peak hour frustration Typically, FIFO Villages house anywhere from 20 to 5000 people working on resource and construction projects, often in very remote areas with limited communications infrastructure. The load on communications is made worse when the operations do not have a night shift, so all residents finish shift and arrive…

How FIFO workers avoid frustration and buffer rage

How to avoid buffer rage

Fibre Vs Fixed Wireless Vs Satellite -The plain English explanation of what’s right for you! Typically, FIFO villages house anywhere from 20 to 5000 people working on resource and construction projects, often in very remote areas with limited communications infrastructure.  Everyone wants to call home to their family when they get back into the village…

March IT provides communications services throughout Charlie project area

March IT provides communications services throughout Charlie project area TSBE Gold Member and QLD based licensed Telecommunications Carrier launches MarchConnect™ to expand its quality and affordable remote telecommunications services in the Surat Basin. 21 January 2016 March IT, the leading supplier of reliable, high-speed, city-grade Telecommunications in the Surat Basin, today announced the launch of MarchConnect™ and…